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Welcome to Beekeeper Labs, where our obsessions become your toys. Our current obsessions come in several flavors:
Crossword puzzles:
The CrossFire crossword creator is a professional quality tool for producing crossword puzzles. From theme to clues, CrossFire gives you the power you need to produce the perfect grid.
Our crossword blog features more than a hundred high-quality puzzles developed using CrossFire. All puzzles are original, themed, and completely free.
Android (i.e. Droid, Hero, Evo, etc.) phone applications:
Data Bee: provides fast, easy viewing for a wide variety of traditional spread-sheet/database data through the universal CSV data format.
Family Bee: an industrial strength family tree browser, which lets you view information on families and individuals stored in GEDCOM genealogy files.
Ring Commander: lets you take control of all the (non-DRM) sounds on your phone. You can hide ringtones, change alarms to notifications (or make them be both at the same time), outright delete sounds, and more.
Yarn Shopper: For knit and crochet fanatics only, this app helps you see how many skeins of yarn you'll need and how much you'll pay for your project.
Bee Widgets: a unified widget set, providing compact time, weather, and battery widgets with a common look-and-feel.
Celtic knotwork:
KnotWize editor – this free online tool lets you quickly and easily create complex and beautiful knotwork designs.
Knotwork examples – a few samples of the designs that can be created in just a few minutes using KnotWize.

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Apps by Beekeeper Labs

Apps by Beekeeper Labs

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