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How do you do. My name is Arnon and I am 35 years old, father to three beautiful girls
My history with computers began at age 9, when I got home and saw my first XT-PC that my parents bought me. I was so excited and immediately I began to explore.
I went through all the stages from DOS to Windows 8 and also Linux and came across various problems which seemed awful but the solution was simple (after hours of researching of course).
I often thought what would I write about when I'll have my own blog.
And with my friend Roy, who'se doing all sorts of crazy stuff in the media field - it's a hell of a ride
I want to use my experience to help others by sharing some of my solutions and also publish any useful information I find that could be helpful
So... welcome to our blog!
Hello good people
My name is Roy, I'm from Israel, but currently living in the US.
I have a great interest in anything computerized, with special care for Computer Vision and Computer Graphics. I got an M.Sc in computer science from Tel-Aviv University, in the area of computer graphics/vision, and right now I'm a PhD Candidate and Research Assistant in the MIT Media Lab.
I'm a great believer in sharing knowledge, so I will try to have all my work here available freely in the form of code. I will also try to answer your questions, if my schedule will allow it.
Arnon and I go way back to middle school. We both had great thirst for knowledge of computers and digital. We started this blog to try and share our insights to different problems or issues we encounter, and have fun in the way.
By all means, if you feel like it, drop me a line at roys[at]morethantechnical[dot]com.

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