Ever felt that you can't get enough gold in the Emross War, Roman Empire and Tap Three Kingdoms games?
Your fingers are not fast enough to farm for the demand?
This app will help you with that.
No subscription!
The Pro version contains additional features and LESS advertisements:
- Enhance your gear
- Scenarios
- Increase hero loyalty
- Hero Arena fighting
- World and private chat
- Loot other people
- Occupy Colony Event
- Ticker
- Sell Elite gear
- Perform Daily Quests
- Open chests and convert chests to keys.
- PVP add-on
And everything that the free version contains:
Scout all DevilArmies/Barbarians/Strongholds on the map and add them to your favorites automatically.
Chat with friends in the alliance chat box while your armies are farming the field in the background.
Have the app monitor your cities for incoming attacks and spies while you are sleeping, and notify you if a threat is approaching.
Trade with your other accounts, if you have any alts.
Visit heroes for prize.
Buy Hero rumors and more!
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Screen Shots of Emross Roman Tap Farmer Pro