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App Type:

Categories: Music & Audio

Content Rating: Everyone

Quick Description:
Gamevial's Mobraphone is very like a theremin, but tweaked to fit and resemble the classical keybord scales understandably.You


Gamevial's Mobraphone is very like a theremin, but tweaked to fit and resemble the classical keybord scales understandably.

You can:
-Play it "slidy" like a theremin.
-Play it with "steps" or keys as a keyboard.
-Choose from some different pre-set waveforms.
-Turn reverb on and off (for spooky echos :) ).
-Turn distortion on or off (makes louder more raw noise).
-Turn on or off vibrato(added 29.03.11).

Great for retro sci fi sounds, and playing simple tunes. Spans 2 octaves.
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