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App Type:

Categories: Casual

Content Rating: Everyone

Quick Description:
Keep your toddlers entertained with the Toddlers Cars app. Toddlers Cars is a simple Russpuppy game that showcases car animation and music. Tap

Toddler Cars

Keep your toddlers entertained with the Toddlers Cars app. Toddlers Cars is a simple Russpuppy game that showcases car animation and music. Tap each vehicle's picture to help your kids learn the names of different vehicles. Give Toddler Cars a try and enjoy unique animations and sounds.


• Help your toddlers learn different types of vehicles
• Enjoy unique music and an animation for each car
• Simple easy-to-use interface ideal for toddlers

If you like this app, be sure to check out Toddler Cars 2 and the other apps by Russpuppy!

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