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App Type:

Categories: Word

Content Rating: Mature 17+

Quick Description:
The Dictionary Game, also known as Fictionary or simply Dictionary, is a word game in which the player guesses the definition (or word) of an ob

Dictionary Game

The Dictionary Game, also known as Fictionary or simply Dictionary, is a word game in which the player guesses the definition (or word) of an obscure word (or definition).

The game rules were modified for a better one player experience:
- two game modes: guess the definition or guess the word
- each round is worth 1000 points:
- a wrong answer decreases 250 round points
- round points decrease with time

Languages available:
- english
- português brasileiro (brazilian portuguese)
- español (spanish)

To keep things more interesting, you may suggest a new definition or word anytime during a round:
- if it is good, your suggestion will be added on the next update
- try to be creative and do not be offensive

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