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98 ideas is a new york Web design graphic design & markting company specializing in website and print design. Since 1996, we have been delivering affordable, high-quality Web and graphic design to major corporations, small businesses, and non-profit organizations throughout the world, and across the United States.

In other words, lots of people all over the place like the Web and graphic design work we do.

98 ideas partners with its clients, providing creative services to help them communicate strategically across new media as well as print. We believe, however, that the new media marketplace suffers a lack of attention to key design principles. As a result clients are misinterpreted and brand equity is devalued.

Good planning and design are incomplete without proper implementation and delivery. We deliver within a realistic budget and on a timely schedule.
Please contact us if you’d like to talk about how MY Designs can help your business grow and prosper.

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